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V Onkogynekologickém centrum FNKV probíhá několik akademických a komerčních studií.

Nekomerční, schválené etickou komisí

  • Progres Q34
  • Progres Q28
  • AZV NU 20-09-00174
  • Karcinom děložního hrdla IB1 do 2 cm, fertility sparing                                               LAP 1
  • Karcinom děložního hrdla IB1 do 2 cm, non fertility sparing                                        LAP 2
  • Karcinom děložního hrdla IB1 2-3 cm, fertility sparing                                                 LAP 3
  • Karcinom děložního hrdla IB1 nad 2 cm, IB2                                                               Cx-NAC
  • Pooperační morbidita u karcinomu děložního hrdla        
  • Fertilita po NAC u karcinomu děložního hrdla
  • HPV imunitní mikroprostředí karcinomu děložního hrdla
  • Recidiva ca ovaria po PARPi                      
  • Malignity v těhotenství
  • Vedlejší účinky chemoterapie v těhotenství                        
  • Ototoxicita po chemoterapii v těhotenství

Komerční, schválené etickou komisí

  • Karcinom děložního hrdla
    • Keynote A18/ENGOT Cx 11
    • Vaccibody (PD-1)
  • Karcinom ovaria
    • Flora5
    • Athena    
  • Karcinom endometria
    • SIENDO-ENGOT-EN5    
    • KEYNOTE-C93/ENGOT-en15
    • ENGOT en11/GOG3035
    • REGYS                                                                                                                                                           

Publikační činnost centra 2019, 2020:

Amant F, Berveiller P, Boere IA, Cardonick E, Fruscio R, Fumagalli M, Halaska MJ, Hasenburg A, Johansson ALV, Lambertini M, Lok CAR, Maggen C, Morice P, Peccatori F, Poortmans P, Van Calsteren K, Vandenbroucke T, van Gerwen M, van den Heuvel-Eibrink M, Zagouri F, Zapardiel I. 
Gynecologic cancers in pregnancy: guidelines based on a third international consensus meeting.
Ann Oncol. 2019 Oct 1;30(10):1601-1612.                                                                                        IF 18,2

Maggen C, Dierickx D, Lugtenburg P, Laenen A, Cardonick E, Smakov R, Bellido M, Cabrera-Garcia A, Gziri MM, Halaska MJ, Ottevanger PB, Van Calsteren K, O'Laughlin A, Polushkina E, Van Dam L, Avivi I, Vandenberghe P, Woei-A-Jin FJSH, Amant F; International Network on Cancer, Infertility and Pregnancy.
Obstetric and maternal outcomes in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma during pregnancy: a multicentre, retrospective, cohort study.
Lancet Haematol. 2019 Nov;6(11):e551-e561.                                                                                 IF 11,99

Kasikova L, Hensler M, Truxova I, Skapa P, Laco J, Belicova L, Praznovec I, Vosahlikova S, Halaska MJ, Brtnicky T, Rob L, Presl J, Kostun J, Cremer I, Ryska A, Kroemer G, Galluzzi L, Spisek R, Fucikova J. 
Calreticulin exposure correlates with robust adaptive antitumor immunity and favorable prognosis in ovarian carcinoma patients. 
J Immunother Cancer. 2019 Nov 20;7(1):312.                                                                                  IF 9.9

Fucikova J, Rakova J, Hensler M, Kasikova L, Belicova L, Hladikova K, Truxova I, Skapa P, Laco J, Pecen L, Praznovec I, Halaska MJ, Brtnicky T, Kodet R, Fialova A, Pineau J, Gey A, Tartour E, Ryska A, Galluzzi L, Spisek R. 
TIM-3 Dictates Functional Orientation of the Immune Infiltrate in Ovarian Cancer. 
Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Aug 1;25(15):4820-4831.                                                                              IF 8,59

Hubackova S, Pribyl M, Kyjacova L, Moudra A, Dzijak R, Salovska B, Strnad H, Tambor V, Imrichova T, Svec J, Vodicka P, Vaclavikova R, Rob L, Bartek J, Hodny Z. 
Interferon-regulated suprabasin is essential for stress-induced stem-like cell conversion and therapy resistance of human malignancies. 
Mol Oncol. 2019 Jul;13(7):1467-1489.                                                                                                IF 6,2

Seborova K, Vaclavikova R, Soucek P, Elsnerova K, Bartakova A, Cernaj P, Bouda J, Rob L, Hruda M, Dvorak P. 
Association of ABC gene profiles with time to progression and resistance in ovarian cancer revealed by bioinformatics analyses. 
Cancer Med. 2019 Feb;8(2):606-616.                                                                                                  IF 3,46

Vaclavikova R, Klajic J, Brynychova V, Elsnerova K, Alnaes GIG, Tost J, Kristensen VN, Rob L, Kodet R, Skapa P, Mrhalova M, Soucek P. Development of high-resolution melting analysis for ABCB1 promoter methylation: Clinical consequences in breast and ovarian carcinoma. 
Oncol Rep. 2019 Aug;42(2):763-774.                                                                                                  IF 3,147

Maggen C, Lok CA, Cardonick E, van Gerwen M, Ottevanger PB, Boere IA, Koskas M, Halaska MJ, Fruscio R, Gziri MM, Witteveen PO, Van Calsteren K, Amant F; International Network on Cancer, Infertility and Pregnancy (INCIP).Gastric cancer during pregnancy: A report on 13 cases and reviedw of the literature with focus on chemotherapy during pregnancy.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2019 Sep 16.                                                                                         IF 2,741

Urkmez E, Andac-Jones E, Cibula D, Querleu D, Halaska MJ, Driak D, Sehouli J, Grabowski JP, Inci G, Zalewski K, Minig L, Zorrero C, Sancı M, Alan M, Ledermann JA, Fotopoulou C, Gultekin M.Perceptions, expectations and experiences of gynecological cancer patients: a pan-European ESGO-ENGAGe survey.
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2019 Nov;29(9):1425-1430.                                                                           IF 2,192

Halaska,MJ, Uzan,C, Han SN, Fruscio R, Dahl Steffensen K, Van Calster B, Stankusova H, Marchette MD, Mephon A, Rouzier R, Witteveen PI, Vergani P, Van Calsteren K, Rob L, Amant F Characteristics of patients with cervical cancer during pregnancy: a multicenter matched cohort study. An initiative from the International Network on Cancer, Infertility and Pregnancy.
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2019 Mar 20. pii: ijgc-2018-000103.                                                           IF 2,192

Kocián P, de Haan J, Cardonick EH, Uzan C, Lok CAR, Fruscio R, Halaska MJ, Amant F; Writing Committee of the InternationalNetwork on Cancer, Infertility and Pregnancy (INCIP) on this particular manuscript. 
Management and outcome of colorectal cancer during pregnancy: report of 41 cases. 
Acta Chir Belg. 2019 Jun;119(3):166-175.                                                                                          IF 0,803

Boucek J, de Haan J, Halaska MJ, Plzak J, Van Calsteren K, de Groot CJM, Dahl Steffensen K, Fruscio R, Massolt ET, Klaritsch P, Zola P, Amant F; International Network on Cancer, Infertility, and Pregnancy.
Maternal and obstetrical outcome in 35 cases of well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma during pregnancy.
The Laryngoscope. 2018, 128(6), 1493-1500. ISSN 0023-852X.                                              IF: 2.442

TRUXOVÁ, Iva; KASIKOVÁ, Lenka; HENSLER, Michal; ŠKAPA, Petr; LACO, Jan; PECEN, Ladislav; BELICOVA, Lucie; PRAZNOVEC, Tomáš; HALAŠKA, Michael J.; BRTNICKÝ, Tomáš; SALKOVÁ, Eva; ROB, Lukáš; KODET, Roman; GOC, Jeremy; SAUTES-FRIDMAN, Catherine; FRIDMAN, Wolf H.; RYSKA, Aleš; GALLUZZI, Lorenzo; ŠPÍŠEK, Radek; FUČÍKOVÁ, Jitka. Mature dendritic cells correlate with favorable immune infiltrate and improved prognosis in ovarian carcinoma patients. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer. 2018, 6(December), Article 139.                                                                                      IF: 8.374

de Haan J, Verheecke M, Van Calsteren K, Van Calster B, Shmakov RG, Mhallem Gziri M, Halaska MJ, Fruscio R, Lok CAR, Boere IA, Zola P, Ottevanger PB, de Groot CJM, Peccatori FA, Dahl Steffensen K, Cardonick EH, Polushkina E, Rob L, Ceppi L, Sukhikh GT, Han SN, Amant F; International Network on Cancer and Infertility Pregnancy (INCIP).
Oncological management and obstetric and neonatol outcomes for women diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy: a 20-year international cohort study of 1170 patients.
The Lancet: Oncology. 2018, 19(3), 337-346. ISSN 1470-2045.                                              IF: 36.421

La Russa M, Zapardiel I, Halaska MJ, Zalewski K, Laky R, Dursun P, Lindquist D, Sukhin V, Polterauer S, Biliatis I.
Conservative management of endometrial cancer: a survey amongst European clinicians.
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2018, 298(2), 373-380. ISSN 0932-0067.          IF: 2.236

VERHEECKE, Magali; CORTÉS-CALABUIG, Álvaro; FINALET-FERREIRO, Julio; BRYS, Vanessa; VAN BREE, Rieta; VERBIST, Godelieve; EVERAERT, Tina; LEEMANS, L.; GZIRÍ, Mina M.; BOERE, Ingrid A.; HALAŠKA, Michael J.; VANHOUDT, J.; AMANT, Frédéric; VAN CALSTEREN, Kristel. Genetic and microscopic assessment of the human chemotherapy-exposed placenta reveals possible pathways contributive to fetal growth restriction. Placenta. 2018, 64(April), 61-70. ISSN 0143-4004. DOI: 10.1016/j.placenta.2018.03.002.
                                                                                                                                             IF: 2.434

Kocian,P, de Haan J, Cardonicsk EH, Uzan C, Lok CAR, Fruscio R, Halaska,MJ, Amant,F
Management and outcome of colorectal cancer during pregnancy: report of 41 cases.
Acta Chir Belg. 2018 Jul 16:1-10. doi: 10.1080/00015458.2018.1493821                              IF 0.42


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